Services are held every Sunday at 10:30am. Our Sunday School meet at the same time. Below you can find out details about the type of service and who will be leading the worship for each week. If you have any questions please get in touch.
Upcoming Services
6th October Rev Graham Smith
13th October Brown
20th October Alison Dobson All Age
27th October Rev Kathie Communion
3rd November Julie Taylor
10th November Hal Clarkson
17th November Pamela Hayles All Age Gift Service
24th November Rev Kathie Communion
Recordings of Service
This is a reminder that Melvyn records our services on Sunday and these recordings are available for borrowing. They are on a USB stick and we can also provide a machine to play them on. If you know anyone who cannot attend church (perhaps because of age, health or mobility issues) or has missed a service, or anyone who does not attend a church but who you think would like to hear the service, please mention it to Melvyn or email the church and we will make arrangements for the recordings to be delivered.